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Great game, fun combat, smooth mechanics, hot scenes. Cant wait to see more

Hopefully, the game is still being developed, since I am looking forward to that dragon and the wolfman/werewolf I see in the banner picture!

The game is really good. I would like to know if chapter 3 is ready or still in progress? Thank u 

Chapter 3 will be in development throughout 2023 with pieces being released when they are ready for playtesting.


For those still struggling with the Fairy Prince I highly suggest reading the tips I left further down about 45 days ago has of this comment.


Game has been really fun so far aside from the weird difficulty spike against the fairy prince. art style is really neat and enjoying the concept. i do have some comments and critiques about gameplay/bugs or other issues. 

Accidentally hit Chimera skills when i had none opening an interface i could not leave and had to just force quit. (lost about 20-30 min of progress)

Game resolution/framing is bad if you choose a more square window size, 3rd ally/enemy usually end up off screen and barely if at all interactable if it weren't for arrow key selection. 

You cannot load or go to the main menu once you have started playing which is kinda annoying, would be nice if there was a load option either in the menu or at crystals, or just an option to go to the main menu rather than full quit to reload. 

Optimize button does nothing on equipment page, may as well not exist. 

A chat log of some sort would be useful, as i have more than once accidentally skipped a box of dialog. 

Damage scaling vs healing is at least currently a bit harsh in the forest, healing barely keeps you alive if at all vs 2+ enemies that all seem to deal around 100-150 damage a hit (approx 1/2 - 1/3 max hp for all characters) and healing spells which are expensive dont even hit par for a potion. 

might be more but this is what i have noticed as a mix of things. 

Thank you for the feedback. A lot of these issues have been fixed in the latest version or are being worked on. What resolution or aspect ratio were you playing it in? There may be some resolutions that the game cannot support.

it was 1400x1050. i usually just dont like full screen so i'll do a more square window. because of this i'm guessing the game resolution is based off height, rather than width. 

Alright I'll see what I can do.


Are you going to nerf the fairy prince?? Ive spent 2 hours farming for levels yet I still can't beat him.


Even with max level, there may still be some strategic thinking required to beat him.


it's time to nerf that fairy prince if you don't think the animal is absurdly strong and unbearably boring trapping the hero with those tentacles

(1 edit)

Really good game with great style, story and characters!Maybe eventual plot twist* a little too obvious , but still.

Wolf character form is really adorable, love it :))

I'm know it's common practice in furry games and novels for characters have armour but here's it's too much.Even in human form main character admits that his armour quite tight.Cannot imagine how this is bad while having fur.So at least for him better to choose more open armour or even clothes for his wolf form if it not emergency measure like tf during battle.
Also as for me really strange moment when MC having sex with Lyric because Lyric took off his clothes but MC still not which is really strange due to reasons upper + seriously?))

Combat made really well, sometimes a bit annoying but nothing more)
Almost forgot - goblin hipsters really got me xD

Wish for you having good time when making game, really worth it. Unfortunately can't subscribe on patreon because already have more than enough subscriptions((
But will buy it later,  full version, if option would be present.

*I think eventually will be discovered that Master is evil.Because of his strange behaviour - a willingness for charity with unknown reasons + he clearly wishes that power.Almost forget, he's also a warlock as cherry on the cake)

(1 edit)

Want to write impression after completing demo.Now seems i softlocked after first dungeon - Master always say "Make necessary preparations..." when i already made them and even spent literally all gold he gave on enormous amount of different potions.

Checked for other possible routes to went from city but no luck(


In this version I believe you click on the job board near the gate and select the goblin encampment to travel to the next area.


So, I'm sorry, what does the player need to do to go further in this case?

I can't support it, I don't know what's going on. It's deducted but only 0 baht. Do you have other channels to support you? I really want to continue playing your game. And I have to admit that your game is very good. Is it the system that prevents me from supporting you?

Currently the only way to support is through patreon.

Will it be sold in other patches in the future?  Will you try selling it on steam?  I'm ready to be honest hahaha

Yeah it will be for sale when development is finished.


Are the orcs and yetis in the game yet? How do you find them if they are



anyone knows if you can make MC go naked?

Is there anymore of the demo after the fae queen sends you back, and if so can you tell me where to go please.


anyone know how to surrender more often? its only sometimes that i can  do so in battle without fainting 


will the game going to had android version?

Love the game, is there any plan to update the gallery? Or does anyone know a way to unlock the other scenes available that aren't shown in the gallery?

Amazing work. I am enjoying the game so much for now, and i want to know with what programm did you make it?? I bet it´s unity but there is nothing wrong with asking 

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Very impressive work♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)

The werewolf form main character is toooo great!!!

I think that the icon of main character at the right side during the battle can also change when main character transform into other form.

Selfishly hoping that could make companions corrupt and transform too.



Can I live my first night without having sex with anyone?

Talk to your friend in the street and then tell him to go home after he walks you to your room.



Playing the demo has been super enjoyable I have much praise for it love the story so far, love the art and animation way better than I first expected for downloading the demo and I can't wait for more updates to the full release.  Most of my grip with the game really comes from the mechanics as you probably heard before fairy prince is just way too busted I tried everything I could think of but he keeps wiping through us anyway the other thing would be being able to use consumables outside of battle because being at low hp/mp and not being able to effectively fight till checkpoint was annoying to say at least the last thing is would be give us a taunt ability on our pc since he's the only one who can take some damage without being in the red. Other than that for now great game and can't wait to buy it on realase.

Ps. I'm begging for more wholesome and lewd between Pc and ash I love that boy cuz them two being switches for each other is adorable 


How do you change your companion's armor and weapons? I can only seem to change my characters...


Just click on the portrait on the left.


While I realize the dev doesn't seem to respond to anything posted here, I'm going to ask anyway: There is a stat that shows who you lose your virginity to, but it's pointless because it will always be the slime since you can't progress without submitting to it.  My question is, why is it there or is there actually a way to kill that first amorous slime that I'm not aware of?


It is possible to beat the demo without submitting to any enemy.  The "adventurer" class the MC has gives a single ability - defend.  If you use this ability, you heal a small amount of health, slightly reduce the damage you take before your next turn, and you will block and counterattack against any enemy grapples until your next turn.  The amorous slimes spend a turn telegraphing their grapple attack, giving you plenty of time to defend against it.

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh!  I never even thought to use Defend.  Thank you :)  I'll try it.

Edit: Well, you were right, Defend did work.  But then Ash happened at night.   LOL.


Most of the gameplay questions are answered by other players before I even have a chance to see them and they are doing a fine job at it. I'm mostly busy responding to issues on patreon and through email right now and fixing bugs in the new version. Hope you understand!

(1 edit) (+1)

LOL.  I do.  And thanks for responding even though my questions were already answered. :)

Edit: Minor oversight.  If you complete the dungeon without getting slimed, the conversation with the Warlock after describes events that didn't happen.

its possible to not lose your virginity to a slime, i did it my first try by just constantly attacking and healing 


This have NSFW?


Is the nsfw content entirely MxM and/or MxMonster?




0.2.8 is the version I played. So I'm gonna talk about it honestly. The art and animations are impressive. The combat for the most part feels well done. I enjoy the moon jump. The Pet slime is my favorite, I named him Porbo, he is pink and I put a cherry on his head. I think that's it for positives at the moment. I had a few complaints. One being how slow the game feels. The animations feel slow and the characters text is slow; I can not mash through some of the text but other times I can. A fast forward function (not a skip) would be most appreciated. Buying from the shop and feeding your pet must be done one by one. Buying in bulk is important. Next is item descriptions, they are necessary and should always be available, for the quick menu and especially within shops, enough said. I would also like to see buffs and debuffs characters have when I hover my mouse over them. Enemy health would be nice to see; it could be something that only becomes available after you've defeated like 5 of the same enemy. Being able to load the game or go to the  main menu from within the game, the only way I could do this was by closing and opening the game again. Objectives should be known to the player in some way, an in game note pad that tells to player to "go here" so that they do not get lost on their objective. A level up sneak peek, essentially a thing that says, your next ability will come at level 8 then again at level 10. Not saying what it is but gives you an objective when leveling up, especially for your transformative abilities. Being able to first strike your enemy, being able to hit them with my sword before the battle and then immediately start the battle with me thwacking them on the head dealing some damage.  The list of Keyboard and Mouse controls should be listed within the game so the player knows, you could put it in the options menu off to the side or a short tutorial in the beginning. Honestly my list of complaints were twice as long until I saw the Keyboard and Mouse controls a moment ago while writing this, I did not know I could dash or skip scenes. Although that is partly my fault for not reading and just downloading, the pretty pictures distracted me; I just assumed controls would be in the game. 

Where are the controls that you found?

I played through the demo and found the game to be quite enjoyable, though I did encounter a major bug.  The game becomes softlocked if you try to select chimera genes when you don't have any traits to choose from.


It's possible that the back button is just off-screen depending on what aspect ratio you are playing on. I think this was fixed in the new version.

That does indeed seem to be the case.  I've done further testing and not encountered it on most other aspect ratios, albeit I have enough experience in coding to know niche cases are to be expected.  As a precautionary measure, it might be good to add a keybind to forcibly close the menu/shop during playtesting, but overall you've done a very good job avoiding game-breaking bugs.


would be v nice if someone wrote a guide for this, some parts of this are confusing

Hey there! 

I really enjoyed your demo.

I think the game has good potential and is pretty well polished for a demo. the theme and art style are very distinct and fun to see. my favorite character is deff ash. 

the thing that I think the combat lacks is a tank for the group, because we have a rogue/mage a healer and a dps.  but there's not really a way to focus damage away from your healer. 

thanks for making this fun game.  I enjoyed myself.  I hope to see more from you in the future!

Yea you got to NERF the fairy prince. he deals too much damage for a second boss, and I use 5 Shadow Orb and still can't beat him. How much health does he have on him? I'm level 12, Ash is 11 and Lyric is 11. Am I too low for him?

(1 edit)

Notes: I can't block his goddamn special attack. Does anyone know tricks or anything to beat him? I'm very thankful for that


He's a tough one, but not impossible:

1 Ash's dispel to remove his defense boost, and regen will really help

2 character levels should probable 13-15 (15 is max lvl in this version)

3 The MC's monster forms lvl independently of the character.

4 the chimera system in this version allows you to take traits from other forms (for example hp slime form poison spit or hp boost added to MC's wolf from)

5 Lyric is your healer, but Ash can also use blood drain to help recover hp.

6 stock up on elixirs for quicker recovery

7 bleed from MC's ripper skill seems to do more than poison, corrosion, or curse for damage over time.

8 give the shelter ring to Lyric he's to help him tank some of the Fairy Prince's attacks.

other than those all I can say is the fairy prince has at least 3000 hp minimum, so be prepared for a drawn out battle.

How to give items to others?


Click the character portrait on the left side of the menu with the equipment tab open. Same hold true in other menus from the pause menu. I know it doesn't look like it should work, but it does. Also remember character classes; different dagger types are Ash's class for instance, equipment is not universal in this.

Thx, it works! I've already defeated elf prince but i hope that game is still in development and i'll use it in further playing :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Alright, after sinking some more time into this, i have to say that poison NEEDS to be nerfed. a 50 something damage hit along with an immediate proc of 40? Not fun, and a pretty major difficulty spike going from the slimes to the woods. i understand that slimeform gets some minor poison resist, but ash does not. Adding a small blurb when he tell you to prepare reminding you to stock up on antidotes would be nice.
Maybe also change poisons damage from a flat number to a % based on max hp, like 15-20 % of max hp as damage, that way its still a threat but it wont end your character in 3 turns or less.
Maybe also add some skills to the base adventurer form, like a taunt skill, or a guard stance. since we cant equip our allies (that I've found, or maybe there's a bug there) it would go a long way to making things much more manageable, particularly against tough fights.
Lastly, healing items should also be tweaked, maybe take a page out of the Tales series and have healing items be limited amount in inventory, but heal a large % or max hp, like the 30% apple gel. Would save the need to go potion, high potion, mega potion, etc etc and make healing items a bit more tactical in their use. If not then maybe a bump from 100 to 150, so they're more relevant in these first 2 dgns we have access to.
All in all its shaping up to be a really good game, the only minor gripes i have is lack of party customization and no skill descriptions for party skills (have no idea what the diff between ephemeral edge and sneak attack is)
But im excited for more, will prolly pledge once my finanaces get in order, thank you for your hard work

Edit: found how to equip allies, its by clicking their portrait with the equip window open. Will also ask to make left and right arrows in window for a slightly easier time.

hey you can read short descriptions of the ally abilities in the class menu if im not mistaken.

yup, found that too. Was so used to switching between chars in window i missed how it was done in this game. (clicking portraits while the window was open) Lol i hit every button on my keyboard thinking there was a hotkey for it XD

Hi, Dev

I played the demo and I really liked how polished the art and the animation of the game looks, so I look forward to the later builds when new enemies / partners are added. And I'm hoping that there could be a somewhat balanced amount of content for players who favor different positions in the future.

Thx for the experience!

game GOOD no cap ong, ong

(1 edit)

woww this game looks so insanely polished oml (there are some big bugs tho eg your char just dissapearing) 

The game is looking great! I absolutely love the concept, and look forward to where it will take us in the future. The story so far is interesting and I look forward to see more of it.

I've played through twice now, once as a pure "virgin" and another where every single enemy wrecked my character ... The difference in progression was pretty fun, and the first playthrough was quite challenging without the skills and passives from the Soul Gems! There are a few scenes that don't fit in well tho, if you avoid surrender at all times. Maybe I'll try taking note of these at some point. 

TL;DR, thanks for the great experience! I look forward to the future of this project.

PS: I wonder if we'll get "The Shape of Water" experience by bothering the fishes in the fairy cave, in the future ... ;)

i'm wondering why haven't you made nude version of the wolf and also why aren't wolf available at the start of the game too when you chsoe the race?

I assume it's because the wolf is a transformation. Also, the game is still early in development and a lot more options will be available in the future.

will there be a Mac version out soon?

How can I change from wolf to man?

You need to find the Beast Gem so you can revert back! Once you have it, "V" is the default key for transformations outside of combat.


So,are we able to top everything or are we forced to bottom with no options to top at all?


yes topping is illegal 

I have the same question. I played the demo but seems that currently there is only one option to top, so hopefully there would be more.

I mean the description does say "Get dominated by monsters" so unless your into being a submissive top Idk if that's going to be included

I mean, that works. Having monsters do the riding adds an additional layer of variety to just getting dicked, I think.

There are also the scenes between the MC and his teammates. Since the description did not specify what 'bang your buddies' means, I assume that we can have both more top and more bottom options...?

when you go to the fairy realm you can top one of your companion

And no one else? You're forced to bottom in every other situation?

so far just your companions can be topped and I only know of 2 chances with a potential of 3 different scenes, they may change that in future up dates but I think the mc is supposed to be a primarily submissive character but I'm just guessing. if your looking for 18+ adventure games that are more more versatile on position I could make some recommendations   

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