Tried to join Patreon but the page just endlessly loads but all others work. I just had a quick question, if the main character uses a sword how come I can't equip anything but a bow on him? I bought other weapons after the initial purchase at the beginning but all he will equip now is bows. Is this a bug?
If you start at the campfire, go all the way right until the game won't let you to find the shrine and crystal you need, and there are two sex scenes available in this area afterwards. One with Ash, the other with Lyric. You'll have to choose which you want to encounter.
If you want Lyric, run directly left from the campfire, and he's lying near a lake. If you want Ash, there are two sets of giant pink mushrooms that kinda look like background items. They're kinda behind the giant rock platforms, with the fire in between both sets. One platform has a Faerie lying on his belly, and interacting with him, he says something ab jumping on the mushrooms. The set behind him leads to a chest. The set that leads to Ash is on the opposite platform. You should see a Faerie sitting nearby, swinging his legs. You have to get to the top of that set of mushrooms and jump-dash to the right to land on a kinda floating platform.
If you don't want to experience any sex scenes, just interact with the campfire.
What spot are you trying to jump from? Bc there shouldn't be any invisible walls on either side of any of the mushrooms or the platforms. The area is designed for exploration, so if you haven't figured it out by now, it must be a bug. There should be a cave wall on the left of the mushroom platforms, near the treasure chest, that makes it obvious you can't go that way. But the rightmost mushroom shouldn't have anything beside it, and you should be able to jump and then dash midair to the platform.
Really awesome update! Played all the way through and finished and had a blast. I only really have one gripe with the update though- I felt like the give in route with the dragon feels a bit odd to me. Maybe it's just me- but I felt like it was just so... Underwhelming? It just lets you advance all the way to the storm shrine with no consequences whatsoever, aside from missing out on some exp and equipment. (I guess the equipment is pretty good though, so it still is worth beating the boss...) But there was so much talk about how the dragon's going to pump the MC full of eggs or whatever and continue the lineage with him and blah blah blah that I was expecting the give in scene to be more than just a single animation and then "alright get outta here"- and because of that, I can't help but feel a little disappointed. (Though, maybe it's just because I find both the dragon's design and the concept really hot...)
It would probably be a lot more work on your plate making an extended scene or whatever though, so I understand. Not like I can have much input given that I know literally nothing about game development lol... Aside from that, really great update! I had a lot of fun with everything else!
Oh, and also, a little oversight I found when I was playing- if you defeat the dragon normally, and then go all the way down through the secret tunnel and interact with the wall leading to the cell, it'll put you in the cell, but have you unable to go back through into the secret tunnel. It made me have to go all the way back up to the storm shrine from the dungeon lol
Yeah, that's a bug I encountered too. Closing the game and opening it back up should fix the issue. You will have to redo the fight, but it should feel easier too, at least?
After completing the Fairy Realm missions, you can go back to your home town, and work in the Tavern. After waiting tables there (interacting with the customers until you get floating hearts on the three different tables) you’ll be able to “work the back room.” Doing that to completion (basically let the animation run fully) you’ll get a set of armor, a fine steel sword, and a bracer.
that shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you only went back to grind, it's fairly easy without using the MC's chimera abilities. Then, when you're done, just teleport back to Dragon Peak, and surrender to a group of Kobold enemies to gain it back. I recommend the grinding beforehand, because after a certain amount of surrenders to kobolds, they do eventually take you directly to the boss fight. I suggest getting to level 30 before returning to Dragon Peak, or restarting the game entirely.
(I'd say you should probably restart if you haven't leveled up each of the MC's forms separately, bc they all gain XP and skills independently from one another)
if it's not working, then restarting is the only option. Since you're gonna have to anyways, one recommendation for avoiding that bug would be to never surrender to enemies on your next playthrough. Then, you'll never gain a form before you can swap it out. Play through the entire slime dungeon as a human and get the crystal at the end (farm the areas up to the first chest accessible in human form until you're level 7-8, exiting the dungeon each time so the breakable crates can respawn, then finish the area and you'll be between lvl 10-12. Keep farming to 15 for ease). Afterwards, swap into the slime form and pretty much don't leave it until you've beaten and grinded the Goblin/forest areas to level 25. By then, most of the Slimeform skills will be unlocked, if not all. I'd recommend beating the Faerie Prince at ab lvl 20, then grinding the area with the Beastform for awhile as well (just use the "Smuggler's Hideout" save crystal to teleport to "Tree Village Top" after helping Caspian fix his boat) .You wanna be, at least, lvl 30 before venturing to Dragon Peak to avoid surrendering. Easiest way to put it would be to grind up every form for at least 10 levels each. You won't be able to do much with the dragon form if you do it this way, though, because the game "ends" practically right after you get it. If you want at that point, you can finish the game, or grind the dragon up, and get some chests that weren't accessible before. And never forget that, if you swap MC forms in combat, you get an extra turn to actually use them. It's great when you get skills like "Siphon" in Slimeform, to gain MP for the hero without using items, and Beastform's "Summon Pack" skill does moderate-high damage on all enemies. and use Lyric's songs. The first song has a chance to heal the party on each note, or attack a random enemy, The song "Wildgrowth" does moderate-high damage and inflicts poison on all enemies. "Wildfire" is a bit more useless imo, bc it targets one random enemy with fairly low damage. Just remember, you can't use either of those songs until AFTER "The Forest Song" was played, and they're mainly so OP because they waste no resources.
The monsterform will be unlocked when you get to the end of the dungeon. I think it would also transform you back into dragonform if you surrender inside the fortress.
It's not intended to revert your form and leave you in a locked state.
1.) Monsterform? Wazat? I though there were only Slime, Beast, and Dragon? Is it new or secret?
2. What's not intended to revert your form and leave you in a locked state? The teleportation? It does say, in the recent bug fixes, that you worked on that in the last two?
3.) (last one, I promise), are you saying that it should fix itself if you get inside the dragon fortress and surrender rather than doing it elsewhere on the Island?
1. Add description to all your spells and potions. Some of them really confusing. For example panacea decrease speed of character when use it and it doesn't written. Some skills doesn't tell you anything at all.
2. The silence skill does not prolong the effect, if you apply it again, you need to fix it!
3. It would be great to make some secret scene and more big reward for tough fights. Because after beating these guys you only recieve 2000 exp and 3000 gold. And so it is in general with any fight as a losing one.
I think this is one of the things you're looking for:
Q to open Character Menu(Inventory, Class, Equipment, Status)/Display Command description in battle.
So, during combat, if you want to know what a skill is going to do, hover over it and click Q. If you're using an Xbox controller, use Y while hovering for the same effect.
And I think the game is still a work in progress. I could be wrong, but if I'm not, that means content is going to be missing. The developer might intend to add secret scenes and just hasn't managed to get to it yet.
The hero can only top Ash and Lyric. If you go home and head up to the MC's bedroom after beating the slime dungeon, you can choose to sleep by interacting with the bed. Then, the scene between Ash and the Warlock happens and Ash teleports directly to MC's room. There you can choose to be the bottom or top for him, but you can't avoid it if you go down this route. Then the MC can only top Ash or Lyric while waiting to leave the Faerie Realm. Otherwise, every sexual interaction has the MC as the bottom.
i found the hidden glade after I got the hew dragon form lol, took some time for me to figure out the dragon ability, but anyway thx for ur suggestions. :)
you're welcome. I didn't even know ab the hidden glade on my first playthrough tbh. I had gotten to the Kobold area at about level 15, and pretty quickly found myself being demolished by almost every group of enemies. I was taken right to the boss almost instantly after crossing the falls, and died just as quickly. So I restarted the game and found the hidden glade while forcing myself to grind.
Since you can move forward on the dungeon if you lose and surrender to the enemy who defeated you, I tried a true slut route, where i would not kill any opponent whatsoever, just lose, surrender and keep moving forward every single time (you can do this cuz if you have no weapon equipped, your attacks deal 0 damage, so, you can lose to the very first slime, dealing no damage to it).
Problem is: you simply cannot do this. If you lose, you gain no XP and you reach the Slime King still at level 1. If you lose to him and "give in", the game just restarts from the last save... You have to defeat him and, being level 1... it's kinda impossible to.
I'd love it if there was another kind of possible win against the bosses, where you need to increase your slut bar throughout the dungeon or something, lose to the boss and then they fuck you to exhaustion and you get the gem but, sadly, that's not a thing.
Edit: just spelling and pulled the tl;dr to the top.
Well, there are ways to fill the slut meter outside of losing in combat. I'm pretty sure visits with the stranger increase the slut meter faster than other sexual interactions, but you don't wanna lose the MC's virginity to him, otherwise he'll pay you less every time after. And it seems you can interact with the stranger as much as you want after the unlocking point. Plus, if you do interact with the stranger, you get an interaction with the Captain in the Mercenary Camp that can be spammed. Also, if you find the Comic Book for Buddy in the Goblin Tree Forest, you can return it to him in the Mercenary Camp to give him a bj. Idk how many times you can do that interaction, but at least more than once if you don't leave the area afterwards. Just interact with the Storage Tent in the Mercenary Camp. You can start teleporting between already visited locations at the save crystals once you reach The Smuggler's (Hideout, I'm pretty sure) area, so you can fill your slut meter outside of combat and defeat enemies in combat to gain Xp. Plus, farming the first area of the Slime Dungeon, up to the first chest accessible in human form, for about 20 minutes should get you to level 7-8 and you can finish the dungeon and be ab level 10 when you face the Slime King. Also, take note that you have to level up each of the MC's forms separately. So you'll wanna farm for quite some time every time you gain a form to access it's best skills. And ALWAYS use Lyric's songs when you gain access t them. They're so OP.
But yeah, surrendering or losing to bosses is an instant game over. There are three very distinct ones in the game so far, but they're the only enemies you have to defeat on a pure slut playthrough, other than for grinding purposes. Surrendering to every other enemy in the game up to twice is fine. If you surrender to goblins three times, they take you to their orc, which is an instant game over. If you surrender/lose to the kobolds, they eventually take you to the boss arena, and you may be too low-leveled to win.
you're missing out. The game is genuinely good asf and you can pretty easily avoid all of the sexy stuff if you're fairly familiar with the concept of grinding in RPGs. Just make sure to go home with Lukka and tell him he can't stay with you. If you just go home and sleep, you're forced to lose the MC's virginity to Ash. Never work the backrooms/don't help Caspian with his money problem with Reef, he still takes you to Dragon Peak bc The MC is "cute" and helped him fix his boat anyways. Oh, and never interact with the crate at the far end of the Back Alley on Low Street. And the game will always give you the choice to watch the Surrender scenes if you lose in combat. SO they'll still count as having happened, and you can continue the game, but you don't have to see any of it.
yeah, that's definitely a bug. I didn't have the same problem myself. you can avoid the dungeon if you raise your party level to ab 30 and make sure you're switching between the MC's forms often enough that they're all gaining skills as you play. If you do this, you might not even end up locked in the dungeons at all.
How can sell/buy items in bulk? like selling 10-20 items at once or vice versa. Same question for when feeding the slime pet. Its time wasting to do it one by one
you can't. one by one it is, but you don't really need to sell anything. I played the entire game and only sold about 4-5 accessories throughout bc I'd already had them. I still ended the game at lvl 34 with over 30000 gold on a pure virgin playthrough.
Hideout Backrooms event does not give gold (text implies would).
Being imprisoned in the dungeon as a non-dragon form breaks. Player can exit cell but not regain allies.
Surrendering to the encounter with 2 Jellyfish and a Clam skips over the animation.
Grant more gold or lower prices or introduce a convenient chest/pot grinding spot. Had to skip all equipment items in the hideout and the kobold village because they were 10000 or more greater than my spending amount. Would rather not have to spend several hours grinding or whoring Hero every time I needed to upgrade even a single character.
Grant the option to have clothing removed during Surrender Scenes.
Implement the various forms in the tavern/backrooms scenes, possibly with unique dialogue.
Include Game Over scenes in the animation viewer. Possibly include a graphic which shows which scenes the player has acquired or missed.
I would add a screenshot, but the size limitation prevents me. Even when I change it to a JPEG, it's still over 6 MB for some reason. So I'll try to type it out as well as possible. In the Faerie Realm, there are two distinct sets of mushrooms the player can jump across. One set leads to a treasure chest, the other seems to lead to nothing until you jump-dash to the right and land on a little platform. That's where Ash is.
Thank you for replying! But I can't find any mushrooms that I can jump on, just the lily pads by Lyric... is it the mushrooms past the altar thing? I can't interact with those
there's a faerie lying on his/her tummy in front of the set that leads to the chest. The ones that lead to Ash are on the right. The mushrooms are giant and pink and look like background items.
This game is insanely good, but is there a way to skip all the grinding when you don't feel like it? Like some form of cheating that you can turn on and off from time to time?
tbh, I never really cared for transformation stuff. but thanks for giving the option to swap back to our human form! and of course, thanks for making such a fun game!
There are a few important words missing from the general description, it should read :
"Turn based role-playing game in development for PC! Bang your MALE buddies, get dominated by monsters, and gain cool powers!
Monster Souls is a turn-based role-playing game inspired by classic JRPGs with light 2D platforming exploration. During your adventure you may encounter various kinds of GAY sexual situations involving your friends, monsters and other characters in the world.
Version is now available for free as a demo. More recent updates are available to patrons."
Other than that, the game itself looks cool. Unfortunately i don't dig male on male.
I did. Although honnestly the illustrations were a better hint than the tag. The tag only means there is gay content, wich i wouldn't have mind, not that it's gay only. On the other hand the pictures showed no female.
It's funny how my comment got downgraded when i basically just told people who wouldn't be interrested in your game that it was not meant for them.
Again I don't mind gay content in a porn game. There are porn games i play for the game part. The Last Sovereign comes to mind. There are also games wich contain both gay and straight content.
I might be stupid, but to me banging buddies is synonym to sex friends. I might not be the only stupid one because i found a webcomic called "bangin' buddies" wich is not gay besides the movie i never heard about wich is a gay movie apparently. So buddies being "guy coded" ? Not really apparently.
"Then it has get dominated after gay." For your information people can also get dominated by women. I'm not necessarily more into that than into men though. Some would argue that men dominated by women often get pegged and that it could be seen as gay. But often doesn't mean always and even so it's not because you like to take a strapon up your ass from time to time that you like men.
I'd say congrats for your coming out, but i'd guess from your pseudonym that you are openly gay, at least on that website.
The design looked cool and the synopsis too by the way, hence why i even tried that game. But that seems to have faded into the background and devolved into some weird "It's a gay territorry so get lost straight man!" kind of thing. ^^'
Merry christmas and a happy new year to all of you.
The game teased me good...I saw the different hero skins and excitedly went in, then saw only 3 are currently playable, wanted to be the wolf, is that something later unlocked or not out yet?
It's unlocked through gameplay. The game is about transformation although it is still in development so not all forms are fully supported in all animations yet.
I am a China player, and I like this kind of games very much. However, due to my lack of Chinese and my lack of English, I don't understand the specific content very well. I would like to ask the author if he intends to add Chinese.
I made it to The Pirates Cavern and there's nothing to do there except kill jelly fish and shop. Am I missing something? Or are there no new updates. I really want more content this game is so fun!
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Tried to join Patreon but the page just endlessly loads but all others work. I just had a quick question, if the main character uses a sword how come I can't equip anything but a bow on him? I bought other weapons after the initial purchase at the beginning but all he will equip now is bows. Is this a bug?
Hi , idk what to do and where to go after i defeated fairy prince. I walked every zone in fairy realm but idk what to to continue story.. help pls
If you start at the campfire, go all the way right until the game won't let you to find the shrine and crystal you need, and there are two sex scenes available in this area afterwards. One with Ash, the other with Lyric. You'll have to choose which you want to encounter.
If you want Lyric, run directly left from the campfire, and he's lying near a lake. If you want Ash, there are two sets of giant pink mushrooms that kinda look like background items. They're kinda behind the giant rock platforms, with the fire in between both sets. One platform has a Faerie lying on his belly, and interacting with him, he says something ab jumping on the mushrooms. The set behind him leads to a chest. The set that leads to Ash is on the opposite platform. You should see a Faerie sitting nearby, swinging his legs. You have to get to the top of that set of mushrooms and jump-dash to the right to land on a kinda floating platform.
If you don't want to experience any sex scenes, just interact with the campfire.
tysm. but idk why but i cannot jump from that top. something like invisible wall not leting me jump. is that a bug or i didnt do something?
What spot are you trying to jump from? Bc there shouldn't be any invisible walls on either side of any of the mushrooms or the platforms. The area is designed for exploration, so if you haven't figured it out by now, it must be a bug. There should be a cave wall on the left of the mushroom platforms, near the treasure chest, that makes it obvious you can't go that way. But the rightmost mushroom shouldn't have anything beside it, and you should be able to jump and then dash midair to the platform.
Is this just m4m or is there m4f content here??
Really awesome update! Played all the way through and finished and had a blast. I only really have one gripe with the update though- I felt like the give in route with the dragon feels a bit odd to me. Maybe it's just me- but I felt like it was just so... Underwhelming? It just lets you advance all the way to the storm shrine with no consequences whatsoever, aside from missing out on some exp and equipment. (I guess the equipment is pretty good though, so it still is worth beating the boss...) But there was so much talk about how the dragon's going to pump the MC full of eggs or whatever and continue the lineage with him and blah blah blah that I was expecting the give in scene to be more than just a single animation and then "alright get outta here"- and because of that, I can't help but feel a little disappointed. (Though, maybe it's just because I find both the dragon's design and the concept really hot...)
It would probably be a lot more work on your plate making an extended scene or whatever though, so I understand. Not like I can have much input given that I know literally nothing about game development lol... Aside from that, really great update! I had a lot of fun with everything else!
Oh, and also, a little oversight I found when I was playing- if you defeat the dragon normally, and then go all the way down through the secret tunnel and interact with the wall leading to the cell, it'll put you in the cell, but have you unable to go back through into the secret tunnel. It made me have to go all the way back up to the storm shrine from the dungeon lol
Do you plan to release a version for Android?
Yeah, that's a bug I encountered too. Closing the game and opening it back up should fix the issue. You will have to redo the fight, but it should feel easier too, at least?
Oh yeah, I completely forgot you could just skip the scene! Blond moment right there.
What is the animation on the fifth image from the top (with the box)? Who or where should I interact with?
After completing the Fairy Realm missions, you can go back to your home town, and work in the Tavern. After waiting tables there (interacting with the customers until you get floating hearts on the three different tables) you’ll be able to “work the back room.” Doing that to completion (basically let the animation run fully) you’ll get a set of armor, a fine steel sword, and a bracer.
so like i went back to town with my dragonform, i don't have it no more because i havent got the gem yet and i can't change forms right now
that shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you only went back to grind, it's fairly easy without using the MC's chimera abilities. Then, when you're done, just teleport back to Dragon Peak, and surrender to a group of Kobold enemies to gain it back. I recommend the grinding beforehand, because after a certain amount of surrenders to kobolds, they do eventually take you directly to the boss fight. I suggest getting to level 30 before returning to Dragon Peak, or restarting the game entirely.
(I'd say you should probably restart if you haven't leveled up each of the MC's forms separately, bc they all gain XP and skills independently from one another)
i tried to surrender to them again to gain back the dragonform but it wasn't working. do i continue to try or just do a new save?
if it's not working, then restarting is the only option. Since you're gonna have to anyways, one recommendation for avoiding that bug would be to never surrender to enemies on your next playthrough. Then, you'll never gain a form before you can swap it out. Play through the entire slime dungeon as a human and get the crystal at the end (farm the areas up to the first chest accessible in human form until you're level 7-8, exiting the dungeon each time so the breakable crates can respawn, then finish the area and you'll be between lvl 10-12. Keep farming to 15 for ease). Afterwards, swap into the slime form and pretty much don't leave it until you've beaten and grinded the Goblin/forest areas to level 25. By then, most of the Slimeform skills will be unlocked, if not all. I'd recommend beating the Faerie Prince at ab lvl 20, then grinding the area with the Beastform for awhile as well (just use the "Smuggler's Hideout" save crystal to teleport to "Tree Village Top" after helping Caspian fix his boat) .You wanna be, at least, lvl 30 before venturing to Dragon Peak to avoid surrendering. Easiest way to put it would be to grind up every form for at least 10 levels each. You won't be able to do much with the dragon form if you do it this way, though, because the game "ends" practically right after you get it. If you want at that point, you can finish the game, or grind the dragon up, and get some chests that weren't accessible before. And never forget that, if you swap MC forms in combat, you get an extra turn to actually use them. It's great when you get skills like "Siphon" in Slimeform, to gain MP for the hero without using items, and Beastform's "Summon Pack" skill does moderate-high damage on all enemies. and use Lyric's songs. The first song has a chance to heal the party on each note, or attack a random enemy, The song "Wildgrowth" does moderate-high damage and inflicts poison on all enemies. "Wildfire" is a bit more useless imo, bc it targets one random enemy with fairly low damage. Just remember, you can't use either of those songs until AFTER "The Forest Song" was played, and they're mainly so OP because they waste no resources.
The monsterform will be unlocked when you get to the end of the dungeon. I think it would also transform you back into dragonform if you surrender inside the fortress.
It's not intended to revert your form and leave you in a locked state.
can I ask what you mean there?
1.) Monsterform? Wazat? I though there were only Slime, Beast, and Dragon? Is it new or secret?
2. What's not intended to revert your form and leave you in a locked state? The teleportation? It does say, in the recent bug fixes, that you worked on that in the last two?
3.) (last one, I promise), are you saying that it should fix itself if you get inside the dragon fortress and surrender rather than doing it elsewhere on the Island?
Slimeform, beastform and dragonform are monsterforms.
Entering certain areas will revert your form, this is a leftover artefact of when the game was less open.
The issue would probably fix itself since getting thrown into the dungeon should set you to dragonform if you have it.
ahh, wish I could still have my laptop T-T
1. Add description to all your spells and potions. Some of them really confusing. For example panacea decrease speed of character when use it and it doesn't written. Some skills doesn't tell you anything at all.
2. The silence skill does not prolong the effect, if you apply it again, you need to fix it!
3. It would be great to make some secret scene and more big reward for tough fights. Because after beating these guys you only recieve 2000 exp and 3000 gold. And so it is in general with any fight as a losing one.
I think this is one of the things you're looking for:
So, during combat, if you want to know what a skill is going to do, hover over it and click Q. If you're using an Xbox controller, use Y while hovering for the same effect.
And I think the game is still a work in progress. I could be wrong, but if I'm not, that means content is going to be missing. The developer might intend to add secret scenes and just hasn't managed to get to it yet.
Does anyone know if there's any scene where the hero gets to top the enemies or is it usually 'sex on defeat'? Great artstyle
The hero can only top Ash and Lyric. If you go home and head up to the MC's bedroom after beating the slime dungeon, you can choose to sleep by interacting with the bed. Then, the scene between Ash and the Warlock happens and Ash teleports directly to MC's room. There you can choose to be the bottom or top for him, but you can't avoid it if you go down this route. Then the MC can only top Ash or Lyric while waiting to leave the Faerie Realm. Otherwise, every sexual interaction has the MC as the bottom.
Ah thanks for the info!
does someone know how to get the chest in the forest path? the chest on the cliff is really hard to get.
there are only two ways.
1. make a mental note of it and return via teleportation at save crystals after acquiring the dragonform.
2. find "The Hidden Glade" and follow it until you come to an area that has only a wall of rocks to the right and the chest to the left.
i found the hidden glade after I got the hew dragon form lol, took some time for me to figure out the dragon ability, but anyway thx for ur suggestions. :)
you're welcome. I didn't even know ab the hidden glade on my first playthrough tbh. I had gotten to the Kobold area at about level 15, and pretty quickly found myself being demolished by almost every group of enemies. I was taken right to the boss almost instantly after crossing the falls, and died just as quickly. So I restarted the game and found the hidden glade while forcing myself to grind.
tl;dr: don't try a "true pacifist" route.
So, I have a small problem.
Since you can move forward on the dungeon if you lose and surrender to the enemy who defeated you, I tried a true slut route, where i would not kill any opponent whatsoever, just lose, surrender and keep moving forward every single time (you can do this cuz if you have no weapon equipped, your attacks deal 0 damage, so, you can lose to the very first slime, dealing no damage to it).
Problem is: you simply cannot do this. If you lose, you gain no XP and you reach the Slime King still at level 1. If you lose to him and "give in", the game just restarts from the last save... You have to defeat him and, being level 1... it's kinda impossible to.
I'd love it if there was another kind of possible win against the bosses, where you need to increase your slut bar throughout the dungeon or something, lose to the boss and then they fuck you to exhaustion and you get the gem but, sadly, that's not a thing.
Edit: just spelling and pulled the tl;dr to the top.
Well, there are ways to fill the slut meter outside of losing in combat. I'm pretty sure visits with the stranger increase the slut meter faster than other sexual interactions, but you don't wanna lose the MC's virginity to him, otherwise he'll pay you less every time after. And it seems you can interact with the stranger as much as you want after the unlocking point. Plus, if you do interact with the stranger, you get an interaction with the Captain in the Mercenary Camp that can be spammed. Also, if you find the Comic Book for Buddy in the Goblin Tree Forest, you can return it to him in the Mercenary Camp to give him a bj. Idk how many times you can do that interaction, but at least more than once if you don't leave the area afterwards. Just interact with the Storage Tent in the Mercenary Camp. You can start teleporting between already visited locations at the save crystals once you reach The Smuggler's (Hideout, I'm pretty sure) area, so you can fill your slut meter outside of combat and defeat enemies in combat to gain Xp. Plus, farming the first area of the Slime Dungeon, up to the first chest accessible in human form, for about 20 minutes should get you to level 7-8 and you can finish the dungeon and be ab level 10 when you face the Slime King. Also, take note that you have to level up each of the MC's forms separately. So you'll wanna farm for quite some time every time you gain a form to access it's best skills. And ALWAYS use Lyric's songs when you gain access t them. They're so OP.
But yeah, surrendering or losing to bosses is an instant game over. There are three very distinct ones in the game so far, but they're the only enemies you have to defeat on a pure slut playthrough, other than for grinding purposes. Surrendering to every other enemy in the game up to twice is fine. If you surrender to goblins three times, they take you to their orc, which is an instant game over. If you surrender/lose to the kobolds, they eventually take you to the boss arena, and you may be too low-leveled to win.
Oh, damn! Thanks for the very informative reply! Wasn't expecting it.
I did not know about the encounter with the Stranger nor that it was possible to sleep with ash in the first night, thanks!
You're welcome!
shit it's gay cya. The thumbnail look good tho
you're missing out. The game is genuinely good asf and you can pretty easily avoid all of the sexy stuff if you're fairly familiar with the concept of grinding in RPGs. Just make sure to go home with Lukka and tell him he can't stay with you. If you just go home and sleep, you're forced to lose the MC's virginity to Ash. Never work the backrooms/don't help Caspian with his money problem with Reef, he still takes you to Dragon Peak bc The MC is "cute" and helped him fix his boat anyways. Oh, and never interact with the crate at the far end of the Back Alley on Low Street. And the game will always give you the choice to watch the Surrender scenes if you lose in combat. SO they'll still count as having happened, and you can continue the game, but you don't have to see any of it.
is these a bug because I'm stuck at the dungeon part and its hard to get out. my companions wont leave the cell and I'm stuck fighting by myself
I have the same problem, I can't get out of the dungeon and still I don't have enough power to beat all gang of dragon without my companions
okay so it's not just me then
yeah, that's definitely a bug. I didn't have the same problem myself. you can avoid the dungeon if you raise your party level to ab 30 and make sure you're switching between the MC's forms often enough that they're all gaining skills as you play. If you do this, you might not even end up locked in the dungeons at all.
Okay, i'm gonna try it out and see what happens
How can sell/buy items in bulk? like selling 10-20 items at once or vice versa. Same question for when feeding the slime pet. Its time wasting to do it one by one
you can't. one by one it is, but you don't really need to sell anything. I played the entire game and only sold about 4-5 accessories throughout bc I'd already had them. I still ended the game at lvl 34 with over 30000 gold on a pure virgin playthrough.
Latest Build Bugs or Possible Bugs
该游戏目前正在 Steam 上进行演示,并将在发布时在 Steam 上提供。 :)
How do i transfer over my old save files?
love this game so far, very excited to play more
Is there any way to talk to Ash in the Faerie Realm? Because I can't find him anywhere.
I would add a screenshot, but the size limitation prevents me. Even when I change it to a JPEG, it's still over 6 MB for some reason. So I'll try to type it out as well as possible. In the Faerie Realm, there are two distinct sets of mushrooms the player can jump across. One set leads to a treasure chest, the other seems to lead to nothing until you jump-dash to the right and land on a little platform. That's where Ash is.
Thank you for replying! But I can't find any mushrooms that I can jump on, just the lily pads by Lyric... is it the mushrooms past the altar thing? I can't interact with those
there's a faerie lying on his/her tummy in front of the set that leads to the chest. The ones that lead to Ash are on the right. The mushrooms are giant and pink and look like background items.
I found him! Thank you very much! I didn't know I could jump on that rock >.<
You're welcome. Probably would've helped better if I mentioned the color earlier.
This game is insanely good, but is there a way to skip all the grinding when you don't feel like it? Like some form of cheating that you can turn on and off from time to time?
tbh, I never really cared for transformation stuff. but thanks for giving the option to swap back to our human form! and of course, thanks for making such a fun game!
I just found this game and frankly I'm amazed by the quality. Outstanding work, really.
I wish I could wishlist the game on steam but my idiotic nanny state government doesn't let me look at the steam page.
Joiplay app can play?
ᴡɪʟʟ ᴛʜɪs ʙᴇ ɪɴ ᴀɴᴅʀᴏɪᴅ ᴛᴏᴏ?
Any tips on how to beat the Fairy Prince
Grind your party until Ash gains the Silence ability.. have Lyric regen your party while Ash keeps the Prince Silenced.
Hey guys, Hidetaka Miyazaki has released a new Souls-like! oh...
It can't be that the author didn't expect such jokes
There are a few important words missing from the general description, it should read :
"Turn based role-playing game in development for PC! Bang your MALE buddies, get dominated by monsters, and gain cool powers!
Monster Souls is a turn-based role-playing game inspired by classic JRPGs with light 2D platforming exploration. During your adventure you may encounter various kinds of GAY sexual situations involving your friends, monsters and other characters in the world. Version is now available for free as a demo. More recent updates are available to patrons."
Other than that, the game itself looks cool. Unfortunately i don't dig male on male.
Tip: check the tags for "Gay"
I did. Although honnestly the illustrations were a better hint than the tag. The tag only means there is gay content, wich i wouldn't have mind, not that it's gay only. On the other hand the pictures showed no female.
It's funny how my comment got downgraded when i basically just told people who wouldn't be interrested in your game that it was not meant for them.
Anyway, best of luck.
Again I don't mind gay content in a porn game. There are porn games i play for the game part. The Last Sovereign comes to mind. There are also games wich contain both gay and straight content.
I might be stupid, but to me banging buddies is synonym to sex friends. I might not be the only stupid one because i found a webcomic called "bangin' buddies" wich is not gay besides the movie i never heard about wich is a gay movie apparently. So buddies being "guy coded" ? Not really apparently.
"Then it has get dominated after gay." For your information people can also get dominated by women. I'm not necessarily more into that than into men though. Some would argue that men dominated by women often get pegged and that it could be seen as gay. But often doesn't mean always and even so it's not because you like to take a strapon up your ass from time to time that you like men.
I'd say congrats for your coming out, but i'd guess from your pseudonym that you are openly gay, at least on that website.
The design looked cool and the synopsis too by the way, hence why i even tried that game. But that seems to have faded into the background and devolved into some weird "It's a gay territorry so get lost straight man!" kind of thing. ^^'
Merry christmas and a happy new year to all of you.
I don't want to missunderstand it, is there gay content only or is it mixed?
Do you see anything looking remotely female in the illustrations?
It is completely and utterly gay. (Plus some monsters that technically might not be male, but do phallic things anyways.)
Hhhmmm okay then, one of the scenes didn't look bad, but it sadly not my kind of thing, looks good though so I wish you fun with it.
How many levels or places are there?? Only 2???
Currently there are these areas, in three chapters: Your hometown Forest, Goblin Camp, Fairy Realm, Pirate Cove, and Dragon Isle.
But the game is still being developed… so there will be more added
hey, could you make a futa version of the game ?
The game teased me good...I saw the different hero skins and excitedly went in, then saw only 3 are currently playable, wanted to be the wolf, is that something later unlocked or not out yet?
It's unlocked through gameplay. The game is about transformation although it is still in development so not all forms are fully supported in all animations yet.
I am a China player, and I like this kind of games very much. However, due to my lack of Chinese and my lack of English, I don't understand the specific content very well. I would like to ask the author if he intends to add Chinese.
Skill issue.
the game have guide yet ?? i nêd guide
I made it to The Pirates Cavern and there's nothing to do there except kill jelly fish and shop. Am I missing something? Or are there no new updates. I really want more content this game is so fun!
is the dev still working on this game? Been quite dead lately. No updates, nothing.
There is a recent progress update on Patreon (3 days ago). Whether that translates to itch or not is anyone's guess.
How to fuck Lucka?
You can't *top* Lukka. At least not in the current game. Maybe possible in a future version
I wish this game have android vision...