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Deleted 150 days ago

I played it multiple times and I don't think it's in the game, it's probably just a placeholder for the future updates. (Which was in last year...)


Really cool. Amazing art work, soft and interesting! 💚💕❤️💜💙


Did this game die or is it just slowly being worked on?  Just seems to be longer than usual since the last post/update.


Are we able to lose our virginity to anyone else than the Lustful Slime?

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You can fight through the slime level and choose to go with either Lukka or Ash.. if you go to the alley beforehand, you can also get a "stranger" in the "secret door."

I can't seem to find it can I have some help?


Try this:

Thank youuu!


Sure thing! Sorry it took so long to reply..  lol


Is there a guide for the game to follow?

Where's orc tho. I finished the fairy prince quest. Is there another quest or that's all for 2.9.4 version?

The Orc/Yeti isn't in game yet.. just the animation currently.


orc could be found when u lose  to globin few times, it got a game over animation for it


How do you get fucked by Colten 

Hello, does anyone know if this game can be played on the Joiplay Android PC emulator? And if it is not possible, could you tell me which Android PC emulator it can be played on, please?


Anybody know how to get fuck by colton

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hi I just find out , you have to do a quest at tavern to serve beer  , talk to the milf from there then u can go in that room from the right of the tavern


Isnt it for fucking with a random?

that seems to me like colton


Hi, I'm currently level 15 and I'm not able to gain mor exp. is that normal?

Is there a way to use potions outside of battle?


hit e and then click on potion, use on character of ur choosing

That's not working for me? Hitting E opens the window, but clicking potions does nothing... :/

I'm a dolt... It's working..  LOL


glad u figured it out! it took me awhile 2 figure it out myself (  -_- ' )


*LOVING* this game!

Curious.. since there's already the animation for Colton.. can he be added to the "box in the alley" scenario?



Great game! One thing I'd recommend adding is a list of all the status effects somewhere easily accessible in the game. Same thing goes for all the keybinds.


Got a bug where your character model is cloned after certain story events. I saw my character duplicated multiple times, one at City Gate save crystal, and two at the Aqueducts, one near the gate and another at slime king boss. I figured to farm a bit of xp so I went back to fight slimes and saw these two clones that did nothing and just stood there. In fact, I tried using a potion on myself but it didn't work while the clone was present in the fight (with slime king). Also sometimes the slime king tried targeting and attacking the clones, but to no effect. 


Help, I'm stuck at this seapot after leaving the fairy forest :<
How to continue the game or it will just end here and is under development? 

Still under development my friend...


Aaah... the art is good, I love the slime familiar and evolution, but can we have some male to female action, pretty please?


why is the fairy boss so HARD

silence him, piece of cake. 

how did you beat it


all three in the party, have a the archer cast regen, use silence to stop the prince casting cyclone/brambles and then spank it. my chars were level 19. didnt take long to level them up. didnt need to use any items in the fight but having some elixers in stock might help. 


slay, thanks.

Just became a Patreon third tier - excellent game, cute, horny, good mechanics. Keep up the good and hard work :) i maxxed out the character level fast and cant wait to see what's next!

I love the game, I can't wait for the next part, by the way I saw some people lost in the comments and I told him what to do is it ok to do this here?


How many sex scenes in the game?


I saw 5 from normal enemies (+ some minor variations), 2 short ones from bosses, and 6 from non-enemies.

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Hello! May i ask how to have sex with colton?

I can't find the comic, where can I find it?

It's well hidden, in the area where there are wolves and goblins, climb the wooden platform and go left, the comic is hidden by the flowery branches of a tree, you can see the comic hidden there if you look properly.


thank you very much, I looked for it for a long time, I must be distracted and I was no longer able to move forward.   :) 

I wanted to know if I'm stuck in the post "fairy grove" phase, or the game is stuck up until that point.

There is no post fairy grove yet, as soon as you leave this area it shows a message saying that the next part of the game is still being developed, you can see a preview of the next area with the jellyfish, but that's it for now, but If you want you can go back to previous areas.


Will there be an Android version in the future?

Hello there! Can anyone tell me where Ash is in the fairy grove? I've looked high and low and cannot find him :'(


Keep jumping on the mushrooms until you see a rocky part on the right, follow it to the end and Ash will be there.


Thank you! Would you know how to get there? I see mushrooms past the pedestal but I cant jump on them :"D 

Did you ever find him cuz i cant lol

Were the "slut" mode sex bubbles removed?

has anyone found the comic yet?

It's on the wooden platforms in the goblin and wolf area, somewhere to the left, go up and down until you find a part where the flowery branches that are in front of the screen are there.

would it be ok to stream this game on my Fansly?

Streaming is fine.

(1 edit)

hang on, I accidentally replied with the wrong account, Thanks for the ok, I'll ask the platform if they will let me stream it, and I'll be sure to link the patreon and the page for the game if they let me!

edit: well, it looks like it might be against fansly TOS due to violence, I'll have to play through first and find out though, and I'm for sure looking forward to it :3 

what kinda streaming platform doesn't allow violent games?  thats like 90% of them

it's fansly, a competitor to onlyfans, they have a blanket ban on depictions of violence in general. 

it's understandable, considering that the terms of service are built around live-action streams of people who are physically in the same place, but there aren't any exceptions listed. they probably will be at some point, but until then I may wind up streaming it on picarto instead.


That's probably a good idea~

Wish twitch had an adult section tho~

Hello, I'm still stuck in the Pirate Cavern and can't figure out how to proceed. Which way is the next quest?

That's all there is for now.

How to unlock the backroom


You have to keep delivering drinks, talking and dancing until some hearts appear on the customers, then talk to the girl at the tavern, and she talks about the backroom

Where are the controls for this game?


Nvm found em

I just want to explain what my deep love for this game,it really is a wonderful game!
For my first language have a suitble word to describe this game “牛逼!”😁

First of all, awesome art, the desing is delightful.

Also, I'm stuck, I just came out of the fairy realm to a forest, if i keep going left I end up in a pirate cave, is it possible to go from the pirate cave to the home town?


Yeah, you can walk back to the goblin encampment, some of the transitions aren't marked currently but they are there.


I trully love your game!

Becoming a Patron soon

I'm was waiting for this so loooong <3

Is it possible to carry over saves from one demo to another ?


The saves are stored in appdata so if they are still there on your computer then yes.


are there plans for possible future sex scenes that have older looking characters make Hero top them? 

like hero being a sub top? 


Not planned but I'll keep it in mind if the opportunity arises.


Anyone know if this works with JoiPlay for mobile?


Not sure if its a good idea, but would it be possible to run the game solo (I know you can't beat it without your allies)  as in disband the party or will the game solely focus on the trio main characters?


The three main characters are heavily intertwined in the story so it won't be possible to leave them behind. 


Story wise yes its a must have, but revisiting cleared areas solo (even at level cap) might be interesting (I'm not hating on the characters too just fyi), and whenever you need em in order to progress the story or whenever you feel like running places and defeating enemies together you could always rendezvou back at the mercenary camp, just a thought 

Woah! This looks great! >/////<

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